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Chinese currency

The official name of the Chinese currency is Renminbi, abbreviated as RMB but sometimes also as CNY. The currency is yuan, also known as 'kuai ', whose notes with the following values: 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 Yuan. The 2 Yuanbiljet you don't see often anymore.

The banknotes you see here are from 1999. However, there are still many old valid banknotes in circulation. One yuan is 10 Jiao (or ' Mao '), and is divided into 10 Fen.

The current rate of 100 Yuan is approximately € 12,65 (Sept. 2018). See the Currency converter for the rate of today.

Please note: there are a lot of false currency in circulation. If you pay with a note of 100 Yuan almost every Chinese looks is the money is really. Jiao and Fen notes are a lot smaller in size. Our experience is that you get back the correct amount of money but it's always good to watch out.

As a tourist you can often pay in Euros or US dollars, both cash and cheques. In many places you can find cash machines with the choice of English text. On some machines it takes a quite long time before you got back your bank or credit card. In large shops and hotels you can pay with your credit card.

At the airport you can exchange your "home" money. However, our experience is that you can cheaper get your RMB's from a money machine. They are located just after the customs.

